King’s is offering cervical screening at our Dubai facilities.
Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in the UAE in ladies. It is one of the most common preventable cancers.
Provided that routine cervical smear tests / Pap tests are carried out, the incidence of cervical cancer can be reduced by 80%.
What is involved in King’s cervical screening?
You will receive a consultation with one of our gynaecologists, followed by a routine smear test/Pap test, whereby we take a sample of cells from the cervix to check for abnormalities.
Special Offer — Pap smear + Consultation for AED700 only.
What do I do if there is an abnormal result?
Your gynaecologist would advise you on the options available beyond our screening service. We offer a procedure called a colposcopy to look at the cervix in more detail and check for abnormal cells that may develop into cancerous cells. The colposcopy typically takes 15-20 minutes, whereby a biopsy is taken for examination in a laboratory. You will receive your results a few weeks later.
To book your cervical screening contact us on +971 4 247 7777 or request an appointment below
الأسئلة الأكثر شيوعا
The Pap test is a test done on the cervical tissue with the goal of detecting cancerous cells or cells that have the potential of becoming cancerous in the future.
The doctor inserts an instrument known as a speculum into the vagina in order to see the cervix. Then, using a tiny brush or spatula, the doctor takes a sample of the cells from the cervix, which are then sent to the laboratory for examination. Sometimes a pap test is performed as part of a routine pelvic exam.
It can be a bit uncomfortable, but a Pap test should not hurt. Some women might experience light bleeding afterward, but most don’t.
This depends on the lab that examines the sample. Some labs take as few as three days to process the results, but most doctors tell patients it’ll take about a week or two.
If a test finds any abnormal test results, your doctor will follow up with more detailed examinations to determine why the cells are abnormal.
Both tests use a small instrument to collect the cervical cells, which are then sent to a lab for examination. Some doctors often do both tests at the same time, even using the same sample. The difference is that the HPV test identifies high-risk viruses, and the Pap smear identifies the abnormalities.
Every woman who is sexually active –regardless of her sexual orientation- should get routine Pap smear tests. Even if you are currently not sexually active or you are above the age of 18, it is recommended that you get a Pap test.
Most doctors recommend having a Pap smear once a year. But based on your age, risk factors, and past Pap smear tests, you may need to have them less or more frequently.