The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and High Dependency Unit (HDU) at King’s College Hospital is a 16 bedded unit on the fourth floor of the hospital. Ten beds are allocated for HDU and six beds are allocated for ICU. On average we receive approximately 100 hundred admissions per year.
We are a multidisciplinary team consisting of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists and a dietician. The Intensive care unit is consultant led with resident oncall medical cover. The lead consultant is UK qualified. The nursing team is led by a matron who is UK qualified.
We are able to care for patients who suffer any type of organ failure and in some cases more than one organ failure. We have the ability to support the patient through state of the art life sustaining equipment including artificial ventilation, cardiovascular support and kidney support.
We also have the ability to intensely monitor patients who are at risk and provide intense post-operative care to surgical patients who have multiple co-morbidities or have undergone prolonged and/or extensive surgery.
We offer an intense level of nursing care depending on the patient’s condition ranging from one to one to sometimes one to two care if the patient is in the high dependency unit.
Patients are reviewed daily more that once by the responsible consultant through multi-disciplinary ward rounds. Plans are discussed and documented electronically.