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  • Basic Cancer Screening

    AED 1,800
    Package Includes:
    Lab Investigations:
    1. CBC
    2. CEA- Colorectal
    3. CA 19-9- Pancreas
    4. AFP- Liver
    5. LDH
    6. FIT- Stool test for occult blood- Colorectal
    7. CA125- Ovarian (only for women)
    8. PSA- Prostate (only for men) Consultation
    * Consultation with Family Medicine/ Internal Medicine

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  • Advanced Cancer Screening

    AED 2,500
    Package Includes:
    Lab Investigations
    1. CBC
    2. CEA- Colorectal
    3. CA 19-9- Pancreas
    4. AFP- Liver
    5. LDH
    6. FIT- Stool test for occult blood- Colorectal
    7. CA125- Ovarian (only for women)
    Specialised Investigations
    1. Ultrasound Abdomen
    2. Ultrasound Pelvis
    3. Chest X-ray
    4. Consultation
    * Consultation with Family Medicine/ Internal Medicine

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