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Bunions Treatment
Best Bunions Doctor in Dubai

Bunions: Types, Diagnosis, Treatments Options

Bunions are bony lumps on the feet mostly on the joint at the base of the big toe. Although small in size, bunions can be painful, hence presenting some degree of discomfort.

Types of Bunions

There are several types of bunions including:

  • Bunion with skin irritation: This occurs when the bump at the side of the joint on the big toe is painful with some visible redness caused by the toe rubbing against the shoe.
  • Large bunion: Bunions come in different sizes, but a large bunion can make it difficult in finding shoes that are comfortable and fitting.
  • Bunion with hallux limitus: This is a smaller sized bunion which limits the range of motion at the joint of the big toe, and this can result in a bunion developing on top of the big toe joint.
  • Tailor’s bunion (bunionette): This forms on the side of the fifth or little toe and is mostly caused by an inherited faulty mechanical structure in the foot. These types of bunions are rare compared to other bunions.

Causes of Bunions

Bunions are often caused by an inherited foot type. The bunions themselves are not inherited but certain foot types can make an individual prone to developing a bunion. Other factors which can contribute to a person developing a bunion include:

  • Foot injuries or stresses
  • Foot deformities present at birth

Symptoms of Bunions

Symptoms which can occur at the site of the bunion include:

  • Soreness and pain
  • Redness and inflammation
  • A burning sensation
  • Numbness

Treatment of Bunions

King’s Foot & Ankle Clinic specialises in treating all types of Bunions. The treatment options for ankle pain and ankle injuries depends on the underlying cause and severity of the condition.

At King’s our expert Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle specialists can provide tailored management and treatment for all types of Bunions and are always available to answer any questions that you might have regarding your particular condition. Whatever you need us for, we’re only a phone-call away.


الأسئلة الأكثر شيوعا

If you can see that your big toe is bending inward toward your other toes and simultaneously the big toe’s base bone droops outwards, you most likely have a bunion. Additionally, they may show up at the base of the pinkie toe, which is known as a tailor’s bunion.

Multiple factors, a few of which we can control and others that are purely inherited such as our joint structure. The mechanics of our feet and the degree of joint mobility are also influencing elements. Bunions also develop as a result of poorly fitted shoes, particularly those with an excessively small toe box.

The toes can be forced to naturally shift back into their original position using toe splitters and orthotics. Moreover, by covering the bump with bunion pads, you can avoid discomfort and inflammation from the area rubbing against the inside of your shoe.

If your toe is malformed or if you experience severe chronic pain that is obstructing your daily activities, surgery may be advised. On the bright side, bunions are amenable to minimally invasive surgery that can be carried out without hospitalization. Only a little incision is made near your big toe’s joint and the soft tissue is realigned or removed during this type of procedure. Surgery however varies by patient.

Any surgical procedure has the potential to result in complications. Numbness, stiffness, delayed healing, infections, nerve damage or swelling are rare side effects that might occur after bunion surgery. To avoid these post-op complications following bunion surgery, you should elevate your foot for a few days, stay active and keep your orthotics on for at least 8 weeks.

Bunion recurrence is a constant possibility. You can prevent this, though, by adhering to our healing recommendations and continuing to wear arch supports and orthotics.